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Английский язык



Кравцова Н.И.

  учитель иностранного языка

МОУ СОШ № 17 г. Кропоткина



Тема: «We make travel to London»



Цели урока:    1). Развитие и совершенствование речевых умений в области      аудирования, говорения (монологическая, диалогическая речь).

2). Активизация лексики по теме «Travelling»

 а) «At the station», b). «Table Manners».

3). Совершенствование навыков письма.

Задачи урока: 1). Cовершенствовать навыки и умения в области говорения.

2). Провести практику в аудировании.

3). Активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Travelling»

a). «At the station», b). «Table Manners».

4). Совершенствовать навыки письма (Заполнение документов).

Учебные пособия:

1). Карта Великобритании, Раздаточный материал № 1.

2). Раздаточный материал №2 (карточки) для проведения ролевой игры.

3). Плакаты, магнитофон, аудиозапись.

4). Раздаточный материал №3 (карточки) для проведения ролевой игры.

5). Раздаточный материал №4.

6). Тематические картины с достопримечательностями Лондона.


План урока.

1.  Организационный момент.

2.  Речевая зарядка.

3.  Беседа по теме «The UK of  Great Britain».

4.  Заполнение документов.

5.  Ролевая игра.

6.  Аудирование.

7.  Ролевая игра.

8.  Обучение оформлению адреса.

9.  Беседа по теме «London».

10. Подведение итогов урока.


Ход урока.

1). Организационный момент.

T. Good morning!

P. Good morning!

T. Who is on duty today?

P1. I’m on duty today.

T. Who is absent?

P1. Everybody is present.

T. That’s good. I’m glad to see all of you here, because today we have an unusual    lesson. We’re going to visit London. We have some friends from the UK.

(Приветствие учителя, которое переходит в сообщение задач урока и речевую зарядку).

2). Речевая зарядка.

(Учитель по очереди показывает 3 куклы в национальных нарядах. На доске висит карта Великобритании).

T. This is Ann. She is from London. Where is London?

P1. London is in England.

T. This is Tom. Tom is from Elgin. Where is Elgin?

P2. Elgin is in Scotland.

T. This is Linda. She is from Gardiff. Where is Gardiff?

P3. Gardiff is in Wales.

T. Yes, you’re absolutely right.


 3). Развитие речевых умений и навыков в области говорения (монологическая речь).

T. Our friends have brought you some pictures of the UK. Look at the blackboard.

(На доске висят картины Англии, Шотландии и Уэльса).

T. Do you know this land?

P1. Yes, I do. It’s England.

T. What can you tell us about it?

P1. England is an attractive land. It is a land of attractive landscapes with lakes and dales.

T. Do you know this land?

P2. Yes, I do. It’s Wales.

T. What can you tell us about this land?

P2. Wales is a romantic land. It is a land of romantic valleys. It’s a land of romantic valleys and daffodils.

T. Do you know this land?

P3. Yes, I do. It’s Scotland.

T. What can you tell me about this land?

P3. Scotland is an amazing land. Scotland is a land of amazing nature. It is a land of amazing lakes, bagpipes and Highland games.

T. Now I see that you’re really interested in English. So, I invite you to visit the UK.


4). Контроль навыков письма.

T. But before we start our journey you should fill in the passport.

Каждый учащийся получает бланк для заполнения детского паспорта.

(Раздаточный материал № 1)





    Date of Birth……………………………………

    Colour of hair………………………………….

    Colour of Eyes………………………………....


    School Name…………………………………...

    Teacher of English…………………………….

T. Your passports are ready and we can go to the railway station to buy tickets.

5). Ролевая игра (Диалогическая речь).

      На доске вывешивается табличка «Railway Station».

      Перед доской стоят 3 стола с табличками «Information», «Tickets», «Lost and Found».

T. O’K. Now, we’ll play a little. Divide yourself into 3 groups. The first group will ask for information about the train to London. The second will buy tickets to London. And the 3d  group will go to the Lost and Found Window.

Учащаяся получают  карточки с заданиями (Раздаточный материал №2) и составляют собственные диалоги). Lost and Found Window

P1. Can you help me?

P2. Yes.


P1. I have lost my umbrella.

P2. Is it big or small?

P1. It’s small.

P2. Is it new or old.

P1. It’s new.

P2. What colour is it?

P1. It’s brown.

P2. Is it yours?

P1. Yes, it’s mine. Thank you.

P2. Not at all.

T. O’K. That’s good, Information Window, please.

P3. Excuse me.

P4. Yes.

P3. What time is the train to London, please?

P4. 6.40.

P3. And which platform, please?

P4. Platform 3.

P3. What time does the train arrive in London?

P4. At10 p. m.

P3. Tank you.

P4. Not at all.

T. O’K, now Tickets Window, please.

P5. London, please.

P6. Single or return?

P5. Return, please.

P6. 12 pounds.

P5. Pardon? How much?

P6. 12 pounds.

P5. Here is 20 pounds.

P6. And here is 8 pounds change.

P5. Thank you.

P6. You are welcome.


6). Активизация лексики.

T. Now, look at the blackboard. There are some signes you can see on the railway station. Come to the blackboard one pupil from each team.

(Надписи вывешиваются на доску заранее).

T. What does this sign mean?

(Учитель показывает на знаки: No Entry, Entrance, Cross Now, No Smoking.).

P1. Не входить, вход, переходи сейчас, Не курить.

T. What does this sign mean?

(Учитель показывает на знаки: Push, No Exit, Restroom, Danger).

P2. От себя, Нет выхода, Комната отдыха, Опасность.

T. What does this sign mean?

(Учитель показывает на знаки: Lifts, Pull, Exit, Penalty50).

P2. Лифты, На себя, Выход, Максимальный штраф 50 фунтов.

7). Аудирование.

Учитель дает установку на прослушивание текста.

T. Now we’re going to listen to the text.

You must understand the announcement. And choose the right train and platform.

(На доске вывешивается надписи Platform 1, Platform 2, Platform 3). (Контроль понимания).

Дети выбирают информацию, касающуюся их поезда и подходит к надписям.



Ladies and gentlemen! Attention, please. Train № 123 to Liverpool leaves in 3 minutes, platform 2. Train № 456 to Manchester leaves in 5 minutes, platform  3 Train № 305 to London leaves in 7 minutes.

T. Our train leaves in 7 minutes. It’s time to board the train. Don’t forget your luggage!

Hurry up. We’re on time. Take your seats and relax. Let us sing a song.

Little Red Engine.

The Little red Engine is puffing along

He comes to a great big hill

He says “I must puff and never stop

I must puff, puff, puff.

Till I reach the top.

I think I can.

I think I can.

I think I can.

I think I can”.

And he puffs right over the hill.

T. I think we spend too much time in the railway station. Are you hungry? Are you thirsty? Let’s go to the restaurant.

8). Ролевая игра (Диалогическая речь).

T. Now I’d like to see if you have good table manners.

(Учащиеся получают карточки с заданиями. Раздаточный материал № 3).

T. Now, let’s check your dialogues.

P1. Are you ready to order?

P2. Yes, a cheeseburger, please.

P1. Anything else?

P2. A large coke, please. We’re very thirsty.

P1. Here you are.

P2. Thank you.

T. O’K, you cope with the task brilliantly, now, let’s listen to the second pair.

P1. Could you pass me the scones, please?

P2. Here you are. Help yourself to ice – cream, please.

P1. Thank you, it’s tasty.

P2. Would you like some jam?

P1. No, thank you.

T. That’s good, now the next dialogue, please.

P1. Could you pass me a piece of bread, please?

P2. Here you are. Pass me ketchup, please.

P1. Here you are. Would you like an orange juice?

P2. Yes, please. Oh, it’s very tasty. Thank you.

P1. You’re welcome.

9). Совершенствование навыков письма.

T. O’K, we’ve forgotten to send a telegram to our friends! But we can do it on the train.

T. You should write the address given in your cards in the correct order. And send a telegram to your friend, asking him to meet you at the railway station.

(Учащиеся получают карточки с заданиями.

 Раздаточный материал № 4).

10). Развитие навыков монологической речи.

 T. Well, now we have time to plan our excursion around London. What places of interest would you like to visit?

(На доске вывешиваются картины с достопримечательностями Лондона).

T. Now, look at the blackboard, let us describe this pictures.

P1. This is Trafalgar Square. It is the centre of London. There is a column of Admiral Nelson in the centre. He is a national hero. He defeated the French at the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

P2. This is Buckingham Palace. It is the London home of the Queen. When the flag is flying on the top, she is at home.

P3. This is the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of the British Government. Big Ben is one the most famous clocks in the world.

P4. This is  the Tower of London. The Tower of London was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now.

11). Подведение итогов урока.

T. So, our lesson is over. You work hard. During our lesson you have known many interesting and useful things. And I think that now you’re ready to make a trip to London. Thank you for the lesson. I’ll give all of you good marks. Good Bye.

P. Good Bye.




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